
Ecommerce Clothing (Client's identity protected for privacy)


Paid media


Paid Media

Driving Success through Strategic Paid Media - Ecommerce Case Study

We implemented a tailored paid media strategy for an emerging clothing ecommerce brand, resulting in increased website traffic, improved brand visibility, and higher conversions within a limited budget.

The Challenge:

Our client, an emerging clothing ecommerce brand in Mexico, sought to establish a strong online presence and generate qualified traffic to their website within a limited budget. They aimed to build brand awareness, attract potential customers, and drive conversions effectively.

Our Solution:

We developed a comprehensive paid media strategy tailored to the client's goals. In the initial phase, we focused on directing traffic to the website, utilizing a minimal budget. Our team optimized campaigns to generate an engaged audience and encourage website visits.

We implemented a combination of performance-driven campaigns and branding initiatives. By aligning our efforts, we successfully created awareness and drove relevant traffic to the client's website. As the campaign progressed over four months, we established a retargeting audience composed of users who had previously visited the site. Leveraging this audience, we created a Lookalike audience, reaching a 2% similarity range.

Entering the sixth month, we introduced a Catalog campaign, enabling personalized ads tailored to individual users. Additionally, we created two new ad groups for retargeting purposes. Throughout the campaign, we gradually increased the budget while carefully monitoring the cost per acquisition (CPA).

The Results:

The campaign's performance demonstrated positive outcomes. Despite scaling the budget, the CPA remained consistent, indicating the effectiveness of our targeting and optimization efforts. Maintaining a balanced frequency and cost per click (CPC), we continued to engage our target audience without overwhelming them.

By leveraging strategic paid media tactics and continuously analyzing campaign data, we achieved remarkable results for our client. The combination of performance campaigns, branding initiatives, and retargeting efforts resulted in a substantial increase in website traffic, improved brand visibility, and ultimately, higher conversions.

Our partnership with this brand exemplifies the power of tailored paid media strategies in driving successful ecommerce outcomes. Contact us to discuss how we can help you maximize your online presence and achieve your business goals.

Please note that the client's name and specific metrics have been kept confidential for privacy reasons.