
Brahma, leading beer brand


Paid Media, Graphic design


Paid Media

A Memorable Advertising Campaign With Brahma

Growtify developed an impactful advertising campaign, "Día del consumo responsable" (Responsible Consumption Day), for Brahma to raise awareness about responsible alcohol consumption. Through engaging graphics and compelling copy, we conveyed the message of moderation and discouraged excessive drinking.

The Challenge:

Brahma aimed to raise awareness about responsible alcohol consumption among its target audience. They wanted to communicate the message of moderation while enjoying their products and discourage excessive drinking, which can lead to regrettable consequences. They needed an impactful advertising campaign to convey this message effectively.

Our Solution:

We devised a creative advertising campaign titled "Día del consumo responsable" (Responsible Consumption Day). The campaign centered around the theme of avoiding tragic outcomes associated with excessive drinking, such as sending messages to an ex-partner or even more severe consequences. We designed engaging graphics and crafted compelling copy to capture the attention of the target audience.

Our goal was to encourage consumers to enjoy their favorite beverage, Brahma, in moderation. By highlighting the importance of responsible consumption, we aimed to create a memorable campaign that resonated with the audience and fostered a culture of moderation and responsible drinking.

Through a strategic blend of impactful visuals and a thought-provoking message, we successfully conveyed the concept of enjoying Brahma products responsibly. The campaign emphasized the tagline "Disfruta con Brahmita, siempre con moderación" (Enjoy with Brahmita, always in moderation), which served as a reminder for consumers to savor their drinks responsibly.

With our advertising and graphic design expertise, we helped Brahma deliver a powerful message about responsible alcohol consumption, positioning them as a socially conscious brand in the beverage industry.